Tuesday, October 19, 2010

dumb food

I was going through my fridge a few minutes ago trying to find something delicious and light for a pre How-I-Met-Your-Mother-marathon snack but everything had about a million calories. I ended up settling for some Earl Grey tea (yum yum) and a few strawberries.

I hate it when you see some food and you're like 'oh has fruit in it therefore it must be healthy' but then you realise that life isn't that fair and in fact it has about 100 calories and it makes you want to die especially when you've been trying to lose weight but then realise all food is dumb and everything is fattening. Gah.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

long time no see

I haven't posted a blog in about 324319823890 years, but I just haven't been quite bothered. Year 12 started, week two is starting after tomorrow and I already want to die. It's like year 11 but it's shitter and there's more work and it's not as fun. So now I'm watching Jurassic Park with my papa and trying to avoid sleeping even though I'm dead tired, but I feel as if it's a waste of a weekend if I go to bed before 12 a.m.
I have a sudden craving to watch How I Met Your Mother, the most amazing show in the world! I am completely obsessed!
And on the topic of life, I need to go to the gym. Yesterday me and Jenny did a step class followed by Zumba and I'm pretty sure I just wasted all of it by going to Janet's Pies in Newtown (so delicious), followed by a frozen coke spider from McDonald's and then later in the evening me and Daniel went on a double date to the Croydon Park Chinese restaurant followed by Max Brennar in Newtown :) If this isn't a big enough dilemma, I have a shitload of homework to do which will all have to be done on Sunday (fun). I must say, this post is quite amazing.. I thought I should just post something haha, and as soon as I organise my life I shall post something relevant to life such as photos of Zac Efron or anything else that is equivalent to that level of yummy-ness (which is NOTHING!)

Love from Weeney

Sunday, October 3, 2010

hey jude

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, Jude Law is actually amazingggg! And his accent makes him so much hotter.

Friday, October 1, 2010

mary poppins!

One of the best movies ever created! I'm watching it as we speak :) I really need to buy this on DVD!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Here are some of the most amazing photos I have ever seen in my life, you'll actually die!

hand paintings:




lego creations:

And I wish I could post more but I'm tired and the website keeps stuffing up and I need to use the bathroom and my throat is sore but these photos are incredible and you have to go look at them! Go, go, go!

ohhh bebo

Oh, remember those bebo days? And when we all used to talk through character map and have really stupid and corny sayings about love, friendship and life in general? Oh the good old days! I found a great website with some sayings, I was dying!

~!CuTe QuOtEs!~:

marcel the shell with shoes on

Cutest video ever! My friend randomly showed it to me and I think it's so clever and cute I had to post it on here :)