Thursday, September 30, 2010


Here are some of the most amazing photos I have ever seen in my life, you'll actually die!

hand paintings:




lego creations:

And I wish I could post more but I'm tired and the website keeps stuffing up and I need to use the bathroom and my throat is sore but these photos are incredible and you have to go look at them! Go, go, go!

ohhh bebo

Oh, remember those bebo days? And when we all used to talk through character map and have really stupid and corny sayings about love, friendship and life in general? Oh the good old days! I found a great website with some sayings, I was dying!

~!CuTe QuOtEs!~:

marcel the shell with shoes on

Cutest video ever! My friend randomly showed it to me and I think it's so clever and cute I had to post it on here :)

big day out

Who created the line-up? I am so disappointed! Compared to the last BDO it's so shit! I was so excited to go but I doubt I will. I'm not extremely desperate to see any of the bands playing so far, hopefully they'll edit the list and add better bands.
My friend Matt Edwards decided to write a detailed letter complaining about the shittiness of Big Day Out and it's absolutely amazing:

Dear Big Day Out,
despite extremely promising rumours, you have failed to deliver and have instead provided a substandard line up that compares to construction work in India, in other words it is completely shit.
I wasted 3 hours of sleep and the equivelant downloads of a 2:17 second youtube video waiting for this subor
dinate line up and would like it returned to me as soon as possible.

As such i will not be attending the festival this year.

Yours sincerly,
disgruntled consumer.


I have no idea what these designers are doing with their lives. These dresses are hideous! I have no idea where they're from but seriously, who would buy them?

On the other hand, I absolutely love this dress from Cooper St! It is ahhmayyyzinnnggggggg! Comes in both black and white but I prefer the white, it's too pretty!

austin carlile singing out his car window at a stoplight

This man is my idol!

Amy Knox: 'just downloaded the lyrics!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

lucy's mexican fiesta

Lucy had her 17th birthday party on Saturday 18th September and the theme was Mexican. It was so much fun! In between listening to the Mexican music and eating the Mexican food we were taking hundreds of photos. To top the night off we had white chocolate mud cake which was so rich and amazing!
I'll have to work that off another day..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

daniel's formal

Friday 17th September was my boyfriend Daniel’s year 12 formal.

It was held at Le Montage and it was so amazing, I want to go back!
We had pres at Nicholas’ house and took a maxi cab to formal, and it was just our luck that a hummer pulled up before us, making our form of transportation seem even less classy haha; but the van was so much fun!

Formal was great! Although, it was upsetting to hear the speeches from teachers and students and realising that their whole 13 years of schooling is over. There was also a mother and son dance, which was the cutest thing ever! The food was quite good (save the entre which was a lot of ham and a lot of salad and a lot of vegetables that are just ew), the place itself is so clean and elegant, and although the dj wasn’t as good as we hoped he’d be, the music was still good and Daniel and I danced for the majority of the night. We also sat on a really good table with a great bunch of people and I absolutely adore his friends!

Overall the evening was a huge success, I’m not sure if it beat my year 10 formal (as that was incredible) but it came very close :)
I’m devo it’s over, especially when I spent so long waiting for it to happen! Well, the whole concept of time is just irritating if you ask me.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

oh sheldon

'Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock. It's very simple. Look -- scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.'


supergrass - alright

We are young, we run green, keep our teeth, nice and clean, see our friends, see the sights, feel alright.


Even though she is in love with my 12 year old brother, I seriously love this bish!

hi hi hi hi hi

My first blog, so I'm really looking forward to it :)
Basically, I'm 16, Polish, living in Sydney, spend half my life watching Foxtel,
laugh at almost everything, and well, the rest you'll find out eventually!